LAAM SHAMSEEYAH | أل الشمسية

Play - Laam Shamseeyah

by Jari Tajwid | Laam Rules



MERGE or COMBINE the sound of letter Lam (with the letter next to it).


  • الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ [Al fatihah 1]
  • يَوْمِ الدِّينِ [Al fatihah 4]
  • قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ النَّاسِ [An Nas 1]
  • مَلِكِ النَّاسِ [An Nas 2]
  • اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ [ Al Ikhlas 2]


Alif Lam Syamsiyyah is Lam Sakinah/Sukun which meets with one of the Syamsiyyah letters and must be pronounced the sound like MERGING (idgham) the letter Lam with the letter next to it. One example given to understand the Rules of Alif Lam as follows:

  • Lam Qamariyyah (Moon Lam) was pronounced clearly like a clear star at night.
  • Lam Syamsiyyah (Sun Lam) was pronounced vaguely like the stars cannot be seen or not visible during the day.


The letter combines with the letter Lam when it meets which is one of the following fourteen (14) letters of Arabic alphabet. Which is:

ت ث د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ل ن


The sign of Alif Lam Syamsiyyah is when the letter Laam with the vowel sukun/sakinah combine with the letters of Syamsiyyah in one word (kalimah) and usually be followed by the sign of syaddah ﹼ


  • To merging the letter Lam with the letters of Syamsi, the sound of Lam “LL” must be vanished
  • Since there are no letters in Arabic alphabet beginning with sukun, the combination of the letters Lam does not occur unless the letter begins with “-Al ‘. This is because there was no Alif before Laam. You will be able to see, some verses of the Qur’an contain shaddah on the letters that cause the merging.ﹼ


The pronunciation of the Alif Lam Syamsiyyah when it was founded before fourteen letters of Arabic alphabet above in one word must be pronounced with sound like combining letter Lam with the next letter usually with the sign of syaddah.

Idgham here does not mean humming or lengthening the sound of the letter Laam but it means ignoring the sound of letter Lam in the recitation and inserting or merging the letter after Laam in the recitation.


Lam Syamsiyyah is also called Idgham Syamsi. It is called Idgham because of the letter Lam sukun which is combined or included in its reading letter. It is called Syamsi because the letters found after the letter lam sukun consist of Syamsiyyah letters.

The name of the Lam rules here is related to Qamar which means the moon and Syams mean the Sun because the letter of Lam sukun is like a star. Since the stars come out at night, the moon will also be clearly visible at night (Izhar). On the other hand, when the sun rises during the day, the stars will disappear during the day (Idgham).

Named as Qamari and Syamsi is also to distinguish Izhar and Idgham for this chapter with Izhar and Idgham in chapters Nun rules and Mim rules.